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Even though we cover plenty of other topics, Windows has always been a primary focus around here, and we’ve got one of the largest collections of Windows-related how-to articles anywhere. Here’s the fifty best Windows articles that we wrote in 2010.

尽管我们涵盖了许多其他主题,但Windows一直是此处的主要关注点,并且我们在任何地方都拥有与Windows有关的how-to文章的最大集合之一。 这是我们在2010年撰写的五十篇最佳Windows文章。

Want even more? You should make sure to check out our , or the .

想要更多吗? 您应该确保查看 ,或的 。

如何为任何应用程序自定义Windows 7任务栏图标 (How to Customize Your Windows 7 Taskbar Icons for Any App)

Would you like to change out the icons on your taskbar with a beautiful set of icons that all go together?  Here’s how you can change out the random candy-colored icons for a stylish icon set of your choice.

您是否要用一组漂亮的图标一起替换掉任务栏上的图标? 您可以按照以下方法将随机的糖果色图标更改为自己选择的时尚图标集。

更改Windows 7任务栏颜色 (Change the Windows 7 Taskbar Color)

Sure, you can hack Windows and install a custom theme if you really wanted to, or pay for a software package to do it for you. What you might not know is that you can use a silly trick to change the color of the taskbar with no added software—without changing your window color.

当然,如果您确实想要的话,您可以破解Windows并安装自定义主题,也可以付费购买软件包来帮助您。 您可能不知道的是,您可以使用愚蠢的技巧来更改任务栏的颜色,而无需添加任何软件-而无需更改窗口颜色。

如何在Windows笔记本电脑上启用Macbook风格的两指滚动 (How To Enable Macbook-Style Two Finger Scrolling on Windows Laptops)


After using my new Macbook Air for the last week, it’s almost painful to switch back to my PC laptop—using two finger scrolling has become second nature. Here’s how to get the same feature on (most) Windows laptops.

在上周使用了我的新Macbook Air之后,切换回我的PC笔记本电脑几乎很痛苦-使用两根手指滚动已成为第二自然。 以下是在(大多数)Windows笔记本电脑上获得相同功能的方法。

如何破解您忘记的Windows密码 (How to Crack Your Forgotten Windows Password)


Here at How-To Geek, we’ve covered many different ways to reset your password for Windows—but what if you can’t reset your password? Or what if you’re using drive encryption that would wipe out your files if you changed the password? It’s time to crack the password instead.

在How-To Geek上,我们介绍了许多用于Windows重置密码的方法,但是如果您无法重置密码怎么办? 或者,如果您使用的驱动器加密会在更改密码后清除文件,该怎么办? 现在该破解密码了。

使您的PC在晚上关机(但仅在不使用计算机时) (Make Your PC Shut Down at Night (But Only When You’re Not Using It))


If you normally like to power off your PC when you’re not using it, do you ever forget and leave it on? Here’s how to configure Windows to automatically power down at night, but only if you’re not using the PC at the time.

如果您通常希望在不使用PC时关闭电源,那么您是否会忘记将其保留下来并打开电源? 这是将Windows配置为在夜间自动关闭电源的方法,但前提是您当时不使用PC。

如何协调Windows和Ubuntu的双启动设置 (How To Harmonize Your Dual-Boot Setup for Windows and Ubuntu)


Looking for some harmony between Windows 7 and Ubuntu in your dual-boot setup?  Here are a few ways you can make the tense OS situation a little more unified and copacetic.

在双引导设置中寻找Windows 7与Ubuntu之间的和谐? 您可以通过以下几种方法使紧张的操作系统状况更加统一和协调。

从“自动播放”对话框扫描拇指驱动器中是否有病毒 (Scan Your Thumb Drive for Viruses from the AutoPlay Dialog)


It’s always a good idea to scan someone’s flash drive for viruses when you use it on your PC. Today we look at how to use Microsoft Security Essentials to scan thumb drives via the AutoPlay dialog.

在个人计算机上使用某人的闪存驱动器进行扫描时,始终建议对它进行病毒扫描。 今天,我们研究如何使用Microsoft Security Essentials通过“自动播放”对话框扫描拇指驱动器。

如何手动修复Windows 7 Boot Loader问题 (How to Manually Repair Windows 7 Boot Loader Problems)


If you’re having boot problems on your Windows PC, it’s often helpful to repair the MBR (Master Boot Record) to restore the Windows 7 boot loader—and you can do it easily from the Windows installation disc.

如果您在Windows PC上遇到启动问题,则修复MBR(主启动记录)以恢复Windows 7引导加载程序通常会很有帮助,并且可以从Windows安装光盘轻松进行。

如何卸载,禁用和删除Windows Defender。 另外,如何关闭 (How To Uninstall, Disable, and Remove Windows Defender. Also, How Turn it Off)


If you’re already running a full anti-malware suite, you might not even realize that Windows Defender is already installed with Windows, and is probably wasting precious resources. Here’s how to get rid of it.

如果您已经在运行一个完整的反恶意软件套件,您甚至可能没有意识到Windows Defender已随Windows一起安装,并且可能正在浪费宝贵的资源。 这是摆脱它的方法。

将“我的Dropbox”添加到Windows 7的“开始”菜单 (Add “My Dropbox” to Your Windows 7 Start Menu)


Over here at How-To Geek, we’re huge fans of Dropbox, the amazingly fast online file sync utility, but we’d be even happier if we could natively add it to the Windows 7 Start Menu, where it belongs. And today, that’s what we’ll do.

在How-To Geek,我们是Dropbox(超快的在线文件同步实用程序)的忠实拥护者,但是如果我们可以将其本地添加到Windows 7的“开始”菜单中,我们会更加高兴。 而今天,这就是我们要做的。

在Windows 7和Vista中自定义图标 (Customize Your Icons in Windows 7 and Vista)


Want to change out the icons on your desktop and more?  Personalizing your icons is a great way to make your PC uniquely yours, and today we show you how to customize your Windows icons.

是否想更改桌面上的图标等等? 个性化图标是一种使PC独树一帜的好方法,今天我们向您展示如何自定义Windows图标。

如何在Windows中更改有线/无线网卡的优先级 (How to Change the Priority of Wired/Wireless Network Cards in Windows)


Do you ever plug in your wired network card while your wireless card is still enabled? Ever wonder how Windows chooses which one to use? Here’s how to see the default priority—and how to change it if you want.

您是否在无线网卡仍然启用的情况下插入了有线网卡? 有没有想过Windows如何选择使用哪个? 这是查看默认优先级的方法,以及根据需要更改默认优先级的方法。

使Windows 7开始菜单搜索更快地找到您的应用程序 (Make Windows 7 Start Menu Search Find Your Applications Faster)


When you first get your shiny new Windows 7 PC, typing anything into the Start Menu search box returns exactly what you want instantly—but what about once you’ve built up loads of files? It tends to get really slow, but here’s how to fix it.

当您首次购买闪亮的新Windows 7 PC时,在“开始菜单”搜索框中键入任何内容即会立即返回您想要的内容,但是一旦建立了文件负载又如何呢? 它往往会变得很慢,但是下面是解决方法。

如何设置USB闪存驱动器以安装Windows 7 (How To Setup a USB Flash Drive to Install Windows 7)


If you have a netbook and would like to upgrade it to Windows 7, you may be wondering how to do it without a clunky external DVD Drive. Today we show you how to install Windows 7 from a USB flash drive.

如果您有上网本,并且想将其升级到Windows 7,则可能想知道如何在没有笨拙的外部DVD驱动器的情况下进行操作。 今天,我们向您展示如何从USB闪存驱动器安装Windows 7。

轻松擦除,删除和安全销毁硬盘数据 (Wipe, Delete, and Securely Destroy Your Hard Drive’s Data the Easy Way)


Giving a computer to somebody else? Maybe you’re putting it out on Craigslist to sell to a stranger—either way, you’ll want to make sure that your drive is completely wiped, scrubbed, and clean of any personal data. Here’s the easy way to do it.

给别人电脑? 也许您是将其投放到Craigslist上以出售给陌生人,无论哪种方式,您都需要确保完全擦除,擦除和清除所有个人数据。 这是简单的方法。

从Windows 7启动菜单中删除Ubuntu或XP (Remove Ubuntu or XP from the Windows 7 Boot Menu)


If you’ve ever used a dual-boot system and then removed one of the operating systems, it can still show up in Windows 7’s boot menu. We’ll show you how to get rid of old entries and speed up the boot process.

如果您曾经使用过双重引导系统,然后删除了其中一个操作系统,则它仍可以显示在Windows 7的引导菜单中。 我们将向您展示如何清除旧条目并加快启动过程。

什么是hiberfil.sys,以及如何删除它? (What is hiberfil.sys and How Do I Delete It?)


You’re no doubt reading this article because there’s a gigantic hiberfil.sys file sitting in the root of your drive, and you want to get rid of it to free up some space… but you can’t!


将Windows 7与XP和Vista联网的完整指南 (Complete Guide to Networking Windows 7 with XP and Vista)


Since there are three versions of Windows out in the field these days, chances are you need to share data between them. Today we show how to get each version to be share files and printers with one another.

由于这些天来已经有Windows的三个版本,因此您可能需要在它们之间共享数据。 今天,我们展示了如何使每个版本相互共享文件和打印机。

如何在Windows 7中禁用或启用家庭组功能 (How To Disable or Enable the Homegroup Feature in Windows 7)


Have you ever used the Homegroup feature in Windows 7? It’s a great way to share files and printers with all your Windows 7 computers, but if you don’t want it anymore, you can disable or enable the feature easily.

您是否曾经在Windows 7中使用过Homegroup功能? 这是与所有Windows 7计算机共享文件和打印机的好方法,但是如果您不再想要它,则可以轻松禁用或启用该功能。

如何删除安全工具和其他恶意/欺诈性防病毒恶意软件 (How To Remove Security Tool and other Rogue/Fake Antivirus Malware)


If you have a PC infected with Security Tool, you’re probably reading this article so you can understand how to get rid of it. Thankfully we’ve got the instructions to help you get rid of this virus.

如果您的PC感染了Security Tool,则可能正在阅读本文,以便您了解如何摆脱它。 值得庆幸的是,我们已获得帮助您清除此病毒的说明。

在Windows 7中使用驱动器镜像进行即时备份 (Use Drive Mirroring for Instant Backup in Windows 7)


Even with the best backup solution, a hard drive crash means you’ll lose a few hours of work. By enabling drive mirroring in Windows 7, you’ll always have an up-to-date copy of your data.

即使使用最佳的备份解决方案,硬盘崩溃也意味着您将失去数小时的工作。 通过在Windows 7中启用驱动器镜像,您将始终拥有数据的最新副本。

为什么磁盘清理不删除Temp文件夹中的所有内容? (Why Doesn’t Disk Cleanup Delete Everything from the Temp Folder?)


After you’ve used Disk Cleanup, you probably expect every temporary file to be completely deleted, but that’s not actually the case. Files are only deleted if they are older than 7 days old, but you can tweak that number to something else.

使用磁盘清理之后,您可能希望每个临时文件都被完全删除,但实际上并非如此。 仅在文件存在7天以上时才将其删除,但是您可以将该数字调整为其他值。

如何使用BitDefender救援CD清洁感染的PC (How to Use the BitDefender Rescue CD to Clean Your Infected PC)


When you’ve got a PC completely infected with viruses, sometimes it’s best to reboot into a rescue disc and run a full virus scan from there. Here’s how to use the BitDefender Rescue CD to clean an infected PC.

当您的PC完全感染了病毒时,有时最好重新启动进入应急光盘并从那里运行完整的病毒扫描。 这是使用BitDefender Rescue CD清洁被感染PC的方法。

如何在Windows 7中创建软件RAID阵列 (How to Create a Software RAID Array in Windows 7)

Instead of having a bunch of separate drives to deal with, why not put them together into one big drive? You can use software RAID to accomplish this, and here’s how to do it.

与其将一堆单独的驱动器进行处理,不如将它们组合成一个大驱动器? 您可以使用软件RAID来完成此操作,这是完成操作的方法。

防病毒会降低PC的速度吗? 也许您应该使用排除项 (Antivirus Slowing Your PC Down? Maybe You Should Use Exclusions)

Retro Virus

Protecting your computer with an antivirus solution is par for the course when you’re dealing with a Windows PC, but unfortunately it slows you down at the same time. Here’s how to improve your performance, at least a little bit.

在使用Windows PC时,使用防病毒解决方案保护计算机是正常的做法,但是不幸的是,这同时会使您的速度变慢。 这是至少一点点提高性能的方法。

如何创建自己的自定义Windows系统管理面板 (How to Create Your Own Custom Windows System Administration Panel)


Has it ever annoyed you to have to open lots of separate windows for Device Manager, Services, Event Viewer, and other system administration tools? Here’s how to pull them all together into your own custom admin panel.

是否曾经让您不得不为设备管理器,服务,事件查看器和其他系统管理工具打开许多单独的窗口而烦恼? 这是将它们全部组合到您自己的自定义管理面板中的方法。

愚蠢的怪胎技巧:使用记事本制作自己的假病毒 (Stupid Geek Tricks: Make Your Own Fake Virus with Notepad)


Every geek wants to pretend that they are a dangerous hacker with the ability to take down any PC, and after you read this article, you can do show off your skills with nothing more than Notepad.


您知道这些Windows计算器的复活节彩蛋吗? (Do You Know About These Windows Calculator Easter Eggs?)


Everybody loves a good Easter egg, and here’s a couple of oddities we found in the Windows calculator that we thought we’d share. How many of them did you already know about?

每个人都喜欢一个很好的复活节彩蛋,这是我们认为应该在Windows计算器中发现的一些奇怪之处。 您已经知道多少?

使用内置电源疑难解答改善Windows 7中的电池寿命 (Improve Battery Life in Windows 7 with the Built-In Power Troubleshooter)


Anybody who has a Windows 7 laptop is going to be concerned with how to make the battery last longer, but did you realize there’s a built-in troubleshooting wizard in Windows 7 that helps you maximize your battery life?

任何拥有Windows 7笔记本电脑的人都会关心如何使电池使用时间更长,但是您是否意识到Windows 7中有一个内置的故障排除向导可以帮助您最大限度地延长电池寿命?

使用Linux修复Windows PC的10种最聪明的方法 (The 10 Cleverest Ways to Use Linux to Fix Your Windows PC)


You might not be ready to accept Linux as your desktop yet, but you can still use it to save your Windows PC—whether you need to reset passwords, recover deleted files, or scan for viruses, here’s how to do it.

您可能还没有准备好接受Linux作为您的桌面,但是仍然可以使用它来保存Windows PC-是否需要重设密码,恢复已删除的文件或扫描病毒,这是执行此操作的方法。

如何通过一次按键调整所有窗口列的大小 (How to Resize All Window Columns with a Single Keystroke)


When you’re dealing with an application that displays data in a set of columns, it’s often frustrating to have to resize each column separately—but today we’ve got a great trick for you that resizes all the columns with a single keystroke.


什么是SearchIndexer.exe,为什么运行? (What is SearchIndexer.exe and Why Is It Running?)


You’re no doubt reading this article because you’re wondering what that SearchIndexer.exe process is all about, and why it’s chewing up a lot of RAM or CPU. Here’s the explanation you’re looking for, and how to deal with it.

毫无疑问,您阅读这篇文章是因为您想知道SearchIndexer.exe进程的意义,以及它为什么占用大量RAM或CPU。 这是您要查找的说明以及处理方法。

如何在Windows 7任务栏中组织程序 (How to Organize Your Programs in the Windows 7 Taskbar)


Would you like to keep your programs neat and orderly in your Windows 7 taskbar?  Let’s look at an easy way to make your taskbar simpler and more aesthetic all at the same time.

您想在Windows 7任务栏中保持程序整洁有序吗? 让我们看一种简单的方法,同时使您的任务栏更简单,更美观。

Windows 7 Media Center入门指南 (The How-To Geek Guide to Windows 7 Media Center)


If you’ve moved from XP to Windows 7, this might be the first time you’ve had access to Media Center. Here we’ve created a guide for our best tips, tricks, and tutorials for using Windows 7 Media Center.

如果您已经从XP迁移到Windows 7,这可能是您第一次访问Media Center。 在这里,我们为使用Windows 7 Media Center的最佳技巧,窍门和教程创建了指南。

更改无线网络优先级以使Windows 7首先选择正确的网络 (Change Wireless Network Priority to Make Windows 7 Choose the Right Network First)

If you’ve got multiple wireless networks or you’ve got one of those dual-band Wireless-N routers that have two separate networks, you might wonder how to tell Windows what network to try to connect to first. Here’s the explanation.

如果您有多个无线网络,或者其中一个具有两个独立网络的双频Wireless-N路由器之一,您可能想知道如何告诉Windows首先尝试连接哪个网络。 这是解释。

如何在Windows PC上播放喜欢的复古视频游戏 (How To Play Your Favorite Retro Video Games on Your Windows PC)


Do you miss the days of playing your favorite games on “old school” consoles like SNES or Sega Genesis? Today we take a look at several different emulators for your PC that will bring back the retro gaming nostalgia.

您是否想过在SNES或Sega Genesis等“老派”游戏机上玩自己喜欢的游戏的日子? 今天,我们来看看适用于您PC的几种不同的仿真器,它们将带回怀旧的游戏怀旧情怀。

如何在PC上安装,管理和删除字体 (How to Install, Manage, and Delete Fonts on Your PC)


If you have recently found some terrific fonts that you want to use on your Windows system, then getting them installed may not be something that you are familiar with. Today we show you how to manage those fonts with ease.

如果您最近发现了一些想要在Windows系统上使用的出色字体,那么可能并不熟悉安装它们。 今天,我们向您展示如何轻松管理这些字体。

如何在Windows 7中启用或禁用库功能 (How to Enable or Disable the Libraries Feature in Windows 7)

If you just can’t get used to the new Libraries feature in Windows 7, you can easily disable it with a registry hack—though we’d recommend learning about the benefits instead of disabling it.

如果您只是不习惯Windows 7中的新库功能,则可以通过注册表黑客轻松地禁用它-尽管我们建议您了解其好处而不是禁用它。

使任务栏按钮切换到Windows 7中的最后一个活动窗口 (Make the Taskbar Buttons Switch to the Last Active Window in Windows 7)


The new Windows 7 taskbar’s Aero Peek feature, with the live thumbnails of every window, is awesome… but sometimes you just want to be able to click the taskbar button and have the last open window show up instead. Here’s a quick hack to make it work better.

新的Windows 7任务栏的Aero Peek功能以及每个窗口的实时缩略图非常棒……但是有时您只希望能够单击任务栏按钮,并显示最后一个打开的窗口。 这是一个快速的技巧,可以使其更好地工作。

更改您的Wi-Fi路由器频道以优化无线信号 (Change Your Wi-Fi Router Channel to Optimize Your Wireless Signal)


If you live in an apartment complex you’ve probably noticed more than just the passive-aggressive network IDs that your neighbors use—very likely you’ve had problems with your wireless connections dropping out, or just not being as fast as you’d like. Here’s a quick fix.

如果您住在公寓大楼中,您可能会注意到的不仅仅是邻居使用的被动攻击性网络ID,而且很可能是无线连接掉线或速度不如您所想的问题喜欢。 这是一个快速修复。

在Windows 7中提高Aero任务栏缩略图的速度 (Increase the Speed of the Aero Taskbar Thumbnails in Windows 7)


By default you may notice that there is a slight delay when hovering your mouse over a Taskbar Thumbnail. Here is a neat registry hack that will allow you to speed it up.

默认情况下,您可能会注意到将鼠标悬停在任务栏缩略图上时会稍有延迟。 这是一个简洁的注册表黑客,可让您加快速度。

如何在XP,Vista或Windows 7中分配静态IP地址 (How to Assign a Static IP Address in XP, Vista, or Windows 7)


When organizing your home network it’s easier to assign each computer its own IP address than using DHCP. Here we will take a look at doing it in XP, Vista, and Windows 7.

组织家庭网络时,为每台计算机分配自己的IP地址比使用DHCP更为容易。 在这里,我们将介绍如何在XP,Vista和Windows 7中进行操作。

恢复您误删除的照片,图片或文件 (Recover that Photo, Picture or File You Deleted Accidentally)

Have you ever accidentally deleted a photo on your camera, computer, USB drive, or anywhere else? What you might not know is that you can usually restore those pictures—even from your camera’s memory stick.

您是否曾经不小心删除了相机,计算机,USB驱动器或其他任何地方的照片? 您可能不知道的是,即使从相机的记忆棒中,通常也可以还原这些图片。

在XP,Vista和Windows 7中播放您喜欢的DOS游戏 (Play Your Favorite DOS Games in XP, Vista, and Windows 7)

Want to take a trip down memory lane with old school DOS games?  D-Fend Reloaded makes it easy for you to play your favorite DOS games directly on XP, Vista, and Windows 7.

是否想使用旧式DOS游戏在内存通道上旅行? D-Fend Reloaded使您可以轻松地直接在XP,Vista和Windows 7上玩自己喜欢的DOS游戏。

使用自动运行来手动清理感染的PC (Use Autoruns to Manually Clean an Infected PC)


There are many anti-malware programs out there that will clean your system of nasties, but what happens if you’re not able to use such a program?  Autoruns, from SysInternals (recently acquired by Microsoft), is indispensable when removing malware manually.

有许多反恶意软件程序可以清除您的纳粹系统,但是如果您无法使用此类程序,会发生什么呢? 手动删除恶意软件时,SysInternals(最近由Microsoft收购)的自动运行是必不可少的。

在Windows 7中增加任务栏预览缩略图的大小 (Increase the size of Taskbar Preview Thumbnails in Windows 7)


Taskbar thumbnail previews are incredibly useful in Windows 7, but for some users they may be too small.  Here’s a tool to help you make your taskbar thumbnail previews just like you want them.

任务栏缩略图预览在Windows 7中非常有用,但是对于某些用户而言,它们可能太小。 这是一个工具,可帮助您使任务栏缩略图预览如您所愿。

愚蠢的怪胎技巧:Windows 7中的平铺或层叠多个Windows (Stupid Geek Tricks: Tile or Cascade Multiple Windows in Windows 7)

Windows 7 Mouse Drag Arrange

If you’ve got loads of windows open, and would like to tile or cascade just a couple of those windows, it’s a pain to minimize them, then unminimize the windows you want to tile, and then choose Tile from the taskbar context menu… but there’s a better way!


愚蠢的怪胎技巧:在Windows 7中启用秘密的“ How-To Geek”模式 (Stupid Geek Tricks: Enable the Secret “How-To Geek” Mode in Windows 7)

We haven’t told anybody before, but Windows has a hidden “How-To Geek Mode” that you can enable which gives you access to every Control Panel tool on a single page—and we’ve documented the secret method for you here. (NOTE: Do NOT use this on Vista)

我们以前没有告诉过任何人,但是Windows具有隐藏的“操作方法”,您可以启用它,使您可以在单个页面上访问每个“控制面板”工具-并且我们在此为您介绍了秘密方法。 (注意:请勿在Vista上使用此功能)

如何创建一个捷径来困扰每个正在运行的Windows应用程序 (How to Create a Shortcut That Nukes Every Running Windows App)


Have you ever had dozens of application windows open and wanted to just close them all? There’s a bunch of freeware apps that will close them all for you, but you don’t need extra software—and here’s how to do it.

您是否曾经打开过数十个应用程序窗口,并且只想关闭它们? 有许多免费软件应用程序可以为您关闭它们,但是您不需要额外的软件,这是实现此目的的方法。




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js scroll 滚动连续多次触发事件只执行一次
sk_buff Structure
1.12 Python基础知识 - 序列:字符串
HttpServletRequest /HttpServletResponse
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